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紧急医疗服务中的AAS -护理人员重点页标题图形.

紧急医疗服务中的AAS - 护理人员重视


澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 offers an eighteen-month program leading to an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic. The 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 paramedic program allows for working professionals to continue their education utilizing distant learning. Skills are completed on a 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 campus with several clinical and practicum experiences options many within the students community. The paramedic program is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMPS) and by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).


提供一个方便的, 学生为本, post -secondary paramedic education that prepares graduates for paramedic practice and ensures that patients within our communities receive a higher level of EMS care by paramedics trained with the highest standards.


护理人员:“准备有能力的初级护理人员的认知(知识)。, 精神运动(技能), and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the advanced emergency medical technician and/or emergency medical technician, 和/或紧急医疗响应级别."

护理学生学习解剖学和生理学, pharmacology and medication administration instruction as well as training in advanced medical skills. 需要广泛的相关课程学习和临床和现场经验. Paramedic education prepares the graduate to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) examination and become certified as a paramedic.

Enrollment in the program is limited and students are only admitted in the fall semester. 选择是通过记分制进行的. 每修完一门通识教育课程并通过,就会获得分数. General education courses are not required for admittance into the program but students with completed courses will have a higher point range for admittance. 学生所有课程的及格分数必须达到C,才能获得额外分数. Specific paramedic courses that are part of the program may not be taken prior to admission.

Students who do not have an ACT or SAT score and who have not started English and mathematics requirements, 必须完成英语/数学分班考试. There is no charge for this test, and it must be taken prior to enrolling in prerequisite courses. Accuplacer分班考试可在学术成功中心获得. 更多信息和测试时间,请致电775-327-2247.

Year of admission to the Associate of Applied Science in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic program determines catalog year and course requirements.

Prerequisites to be completed prior to or during the semester in which application is made to the Associate of Applied Science Degree or Certificate in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic program include:

  • 持有内华达州的EMT或AEMT证书
  • 目前美国心脏协会基本生命支持CPR卡
  • 现有医疗保险证明
  • 必需的免疫接种
    • MMR(2剂)
    • 水痘(2剂)
    • 2 .过去12个月内患有结核病
    • 目前的流感疫苗(或豁免)
    • 乙型肝炎系列(3个系列,上课前至少2个)
    • 过去10年破伤风免疫接种
    • Covid-19免疫接种或批准豁免(待批准)


Questions about the AAS Degree in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic program or the application process can be directed to the Department of Health Science and Human Services at 775-327-2317.

Admission to the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Special application and admission requirements exist for EMS. 准学生应:

  • 通过填写在线提供的入学申请包来申请入学. 申请于1月份开始,必须在5月31日下午5点之前提交.m. 秋季学期.
  • 将填妥的表格交回:

    Elko, NV 89801解决方案.



  • 展示认知知识和技能的整合能力 入门级国家注册护理人员.
  • 示范入门级国家注册护理人员教育 准备应用解决问题,临床决策和关键 在各种基于评估的管理中需要的思维能力 送往医院之前的设置.
  • 在与病人一起工作时运用治疗和专业的沟通技巧, 患者的重要他人, 的同事们, 以及其他医疗服务提供者和社区成员.
  • 在纯科学方面运用广泛的智力和意识, 管理, 心理学, 社会学, 人类服务, personal wellness and cultural diversity to support and enhance the role as a public safety and health care professional.
  • 认识到促进研究和科学探究的重要性 院前保健服务的持续质量改进.
  • Recognize and acknowledge that the emerging roles and responsibilities of the Paramedic include public education, 健康促进, 以及参与伤害和疾病预防项目.
  • Recognize and demonstrate the importance of adapting pre-hospital care to a diverse patient population of age, 性别, 文化, 宗教, 另一种生活方式, 以及社区背景.
  • Assume the role of leadership as an advanced life support provider and role model for other EMS providers.

aas -护理人员学位以前认证的国家注册护理人员


澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 is pleased to offer national registered paramedics (NRP) the opportunity to achieve an associate’s degree with college credit for the hard work you have already done.

为了能被aas护理人员项目录取, 所有学生必须符合澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载正式录取的要求. College level courses of equivalent semester hour credit and content may be transferred by direct credit from other regionally accredited institutions.

被认为有资格进入澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载的aas护理人员项目, 申请人必须出示作为护理人员的当前国家注册状态的证据.

Students applying for the AAS-Paramedic Program must meet the following minimum criteria:

  1. 有良好信誉的国家注册护理人员.
  2. 当前州执照.
  3. SAT或ACT分数. 如果SAT/ACT成绩不可用, the student will be required to take Accuplacer tests to be placed into the appropriate general education courses.





澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载, “白银之州的金本位制”, 提供副学士和学士学位水平的学术教育, 职业和技术领域. 欢迎超过4人,每年有来自全国各地的000名学生, 无论是在网上还是在我们的各个校园和中心, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,整个内华达州的面积达1000平方英里. 农村高等教育领跑者, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

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